Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cheer on

I'm elated.

No, not because our humanities team came in second at the teachers' 4X100 race and won $15 Fairprice voucher.

I was happy because the class I took over on Thursday (a small group of students from 5A2) displayed optimism, critical thinking and maturity beyond their age.

When I was 17, I was in JC, not knowing what I was doing. I had the most discipline problems then, more so than any other periods of my life. Imagine the consternation of my teachers and parents!

On the other hand, at 16 going on 17, these kids have a positive outlook in their future. We have an aspiring art teacher, a hotelier, a businesswoman etc.

MH shrewdly analyzed the present economic situation, wanting to seize the opportunities of arming herself with more knowledge before she goes into the "real" world.

You'd see an innocent young person, full of drive and passion, wanting to make a difference in her own life, shaking off pre-conceived labels and stereotypes.

I certainly hope this group of students is representative of their cohort.


  1. and mr lee! where are all the answers?

  2. Ivy! I'm Mr TAN, not Mr LEE! TTHK = Tan Tze How Kelvin. The long long list is at the side bar. Look out for "EL ACP Resources" at the side bar. :)
