Thursday, April 8, 2010

Top Talk Times


  1. An interesting mix of articles - There are entertainment news, sport news etc. There are also serious news that the profile of your audience can relate to. You have made good choices and I look forward to reading your justification. - mr. tthk

  2. Xiaoling's Group(:April 8, 2010 at 9:12 PM

    We chose the 5 articles name "A whooping Good Joke', "Teens gather for picnics- With booze", "90% of grads found jobs within 6 months", "One new record by three pole vaulters", and"SKorea Wonder Girls announce newalbum, US tour" because we think that they fulfil our conditionsof relevancy to the target audience- Secondary School and Junior Colleges students of Sinagpore. We thought that these articles would arouse their interest. these articles also refer to some elite personalities like Wonder Girls and Ris Low etc.
    Some articles like finding jobs after graduating from NUS,students settingnew record and drinking alcohol underage is relevant to the students while articles like Ris Low working in 98.7FM and Wonder Girls would certainly arouse their interest.
    These events also happened not long ago which fulfils one more condition- Time. We would like them to know these events as these events circulate aroud their teenage life like listening to 98.7FM, looking forward to Wonder Girls's album etc. That is why we chose these articles. What's more, we have a good combination of news articles. Sports,entertainment, celebrity news and lot's more.. (;

  3. Thanks for your justification. You are right in saying that these articles can arouse students' interest - but in what ways? For example, you could be more specific by explaining that WonderGirls and Ris Low are elite personalities who appeal to students nowadays because of their entertainment value. The purpose of choosing articles on alcohol drinking could be to inform your target audience about the consequences of underage drinking and to warn them against that. Justification needs to be VERY CONVINCING and SPECIFIC. Nevertheless, good try! Press on!
