Saturday, April 18, 2009

More than just talking

Speech day is an opportunity.

An opportunity to inspire.

Less so for the teachers, but totally for the students.

Today's speech day is actually the first speech day in my life. My secondary school never had one as we give out presents on a thanksgiving mass at the end of every year.

This time round, the teachers have put in a tremendous amount of effort. Imagine: meeting the fast-paced demands of teaching during curriculum time, when the bell comes ringing, they turned into events managers and coordinators. Not forgetting the more experienced teachers who had to guide us, the newer teachers. No joke, I'd tell you.

But at the end of the day, the teachers knew that their effort paid off when the students took tremendous pride in their roles. Something that is not so evident in the classroom, however. Haha.

To be frank, when I knew I was involved in the Speech Day, I thought it was just "one of those duties" I had to do. I did complain about it, not because I had to do it, but because I didn't know why I was doing it.

I didn't know what is the raison d'etre of a speech day other than the fact that is a ceremony to give out presents for those who have done well in exams.

Today, I know. It is more than that.

It is all about the students, like it has always been and always will be.

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